
SchoolMessenger Communication

Receive School News The Way You Choose

If you are a parent wanting to change your Power announcement info please log into your PowerSchool account here.

If you are a community member and would like to receive phone alerts please fill out the form here.

To make sure that you're receiving school news and alerts in the ways that work best for you, the Bemus Point School District provides parents and guardians with access to the School Messenger website and app.

Benefits of signing up for PowerSchool and SchoolMessenger

  1. To be able to review and sign electronic forms
  2. To be able to update student data as needed (contact number, address change)
  3. Get into the school messenger App
    1. to receive push notifications from Super, principals, and teachers
    2. to adjust the way in which parents get notifications.

Future add-ons to the SchoolMessenger app

  1. Parents will be able to notify the school in advance about an upcoming absence, or rapidly respond to excuse an absence after the fact.
  2. Parents to view individual student data from a variety of different school software systems right from within their SchoolMessenger app - including grades, attendance, lunch account balances, class schedules, and much more

Sign up FREE today to:

Set your communications preferences for calls, emails, texts, and more

Receive all kinds of school messages (classroom and group updates, activity alerts, school, and district notifications) in one single app

Review your messages on any device, smartphone, laptop, etc.

Go to to download the SchoolMessenger mobile app for Apple and Android devices or use the web-based version from your internet browser. Your personal email address you use MUST already be in our district's PowerSchool system for you to sign up.

With the new SchoolMessenger app, parents and community members have 24/7/365 access to important school notifications such as weather and emergency alerts.

Get started with the SchoolMessenger app today. Go to and sign up for your FREE account.

You can go to  to find out detailed information on how to use both the site and the app.

Instructions to enable text messaging service

You can also check out these two videos:

Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2025 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.